Physio Edge podcast

Squeezing a stress ball and strengthening with 0.5kg dumbells will only get you so far with your treatment of hand and wrist injuries, and soon enough you'll hit a wall with treatment results. How are you going to smash through that wall, and help your patients keep working or playing, or get back to work and sport?

If you've felt limited with your hand and wrist treatment and exercises, you'll love the treatment approach and strengthening exercises from the third and final podcast in this series with Ian Gatt.

In the previous two podcasts with Ian we explored how you can take a great history, assess and diagnose wrist and hand injuries. You discovered types of grip strength and how to perform low and high tech grip strength assessment. In this new podcast with Ian Gatt you will discover how to use your assessment findings to develop a treatment plan, and how to develop your patients hand and wrist strength, plus:

  • Strength exercises can you use in your rehab of hand and wrist injuries
  • What pain level is acceptable during rehab exercises?
  • How many sets and reps should your patients perform of each exercise?
  • How can you reduce the pain your athlete experiences so they can perform their rehab exercises?
  • What finger strengthening exercises can you use?
  • Why is the proximal radio-ulnar joint (PRUJ) so important to treat with wrist and elbow injuries?
  • How can you treat the PRUJ?
  • How can you incorporate the kinetic chain into your hand and wrist rehab?
  • How and why would you want to use vibration as part of rehab, even if you don't have a vibration plate?
  • What manual therapy can you use with your hand patients?
  • How can you maintain your athletes skill and performance while taking them through a rehab program?
  • How should you adjust training volume or intensity with knuckle or Carpometacarpal joint (CMCJ) injuries?
  • Can boxers with CMCJ injuries continue to hit the bag?
  • What wrist positions and movements need to be limited during rehab and to prevent injury?
  • Why is wrapping your boxers hands properly so important?
  • How can you wrap your boxers hands?
  • What gloves are recommended for boxers?

Ian works with GB Boxing, which involves helping boxers recover from hand, wrist and other injuries. This podcast is therefore boxer-centric, however there are a lot of specifics, exercises & principles in this podcast that you can use with your hand & wrist patients that have never picked up a pair of boxing gloves or hit a bag.

Dive into this podcast, and pick up a lot of great ideas for your hand & wrist injury treatment.

CLICK HERE for your spot on a free shoulder assessment webinar with Jo Gibson, available soon.

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