Physio Edge podcast

Have you had patients that developed groin pain after getting a bit carried away with situps or abdominal exercises in the gym? Or have your patients developed lower abdominal pain after running or training that is causing them pain into hip extension?

In this podcast with Andrew Wallis, Sports Physiotherapist with the St Kilda AFL team, we explore how you can treat patients that were a little too exuberant with their abdominal training or running, including:

  • The Doha Agreement on groin pain terminology
  • Inguinal related groin pain
  • Anatomy of the abdominal region and groin
  • Rectus abdominus tendon overload
  • Whether pelvic tilt contributes to abdominal overload
  • How you can identify the cause of pain in this suprapubic region
  • How to objectively assess patients, and key tests to perform
  • How you can treat patients with an acute overload history
  • Progressive abdominal loading, including exercises you can use
  • How to progress running, interval training and hill running
  • Adding in cutting, agility training and kicking
  • How to help set your patient's expectations about recovery timeframes and progress

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