Physio Edge podcast

How can you accurately assess neck pain patients and choose the most effective treatment to help resolve their pain and prevent recurrence? Find out in part 1 of this two part podcast series with Emeritus Professor Gwendolen Jull, and explore:

  • How to accurately assess patients movements, muscular control, strength, posture, and palpate the cervical spine to identify the source of neck symptoms and contributing factors.
  • Which questions and assessment tests will help you choose treatment that resolves symptoms, fully rehabilitates patients and helps to prevents future episodes of neck pain?
  • How to use clinical reasoning to target your rehab, and decide if your treatment should include neck strengthening, manual therapy, sensory motor control, postural or work position changes?

Download this podcast now to improve your assessment and treatment of neck pain.

The next podcast with Prof Gwen Jull, available soon, will build on the knowledge you gain from part 1, and provide you with additional neck pain treatment strategies.

CLICK HERE to get access to Cervical spine assessment & treatment for neck pain & upper limb symptoms

CLICK HERE to get access to Cervical radiculopathy assessment & treatment case study

Pec minor cops the blame for shoulder pain, scapular dyskinesia and all sorts of upper limb pain and “dysfunction”. Is pec minor shortness or “tightness” really responsible for shoulder pain?

In this podcast with Jo Gibson (Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist), you’ll discover whether the latest evidence supports pec minor as a major cause of shoulder pain, or whether pec minor is an innocent victim. You’ll also explore:

  • Is pec minor responsible for shoulder pain?
  • Does pec minor truly become “shortened”?
  • Is there a link between a shortened pec minor, scapular dyskinesia and risk of developing shoulder pain?
  • Should the Pectoralis minor be stretched in patients with shoulder pain?
  • Review of pec minor attachments & anatomy
  • Measurement of pec minor length has been shown in the literature to be reliable, but do we need to measure it?
  • What is the most effective way of increasing length in pec minor? Stretching, self release, taping or strengthening the rotator cuff?
  • Does pec minor stretching help to improve shoulder function, mechanics or prevent injury in overhead athletes?
  • How long do ROM improvements following pec minor stretching last?
  • If patients have a clear history of trauma, is pec minor shortness relevant?
  • Is pec minor shortness relevant in thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)?
  • Can weightlifters develop pec minor tendinopathy?
  • Is it worth assessing pec minor length in shoulder pain patients?
  • Does the evidence support treating PM shortness in shoulder pain patients?

Podcast handout

The handout for this podcast is an article referenced in the podcast. There is no additional transcript or handout available.

Free webinar “5 common mistakes therapists make with shoulder pain, and what to do about them” with Jo Gibson

Register now for the free webinar "5 common mistakes therapists make with shoulder pain, and what to do about them" with Jo Gibson (Upper Limb Specialist Physio)

Frozen and stiff shoulder assessment & treatment with Jo Gibson

Improve your assessment and treatment of frozen and stiff shoulders now with Jo Gibson’s online course at

Shoulder: Steps to Success online course with Jo Gibson

Improve your assessment and treatment of shoulder pain with the Shoulder: Steps to Success online course with Jo Gibson, now available for enrolment at

Article associated with this episode:

Stress fractures and bone stress injuries in running patients need to be identified early, to allow recovery before the injury worsens and requires extensive time away from running. When should you suspect a stress fracture or a bone stress injury (BSI) in your running patients? Find out in the podcast with Tom Goom (Running Physio), and explore:

  • How to identify stress fractures & BSI’s in your patients.
  • Which patients are at greater risk of developing BSI or stress fractures?
  • Features in your patient history, including past & medical history, onset & aggravating factors that increase your suspicion of a stress fracture.
  • Which BSI’s are “high risk”?
  • Common training errors that lead to a stress fracture.
  • What tests can be performed in your objective assessment to help diagnose stress fractures?
  • How to differentiate tendon pain from bone stress injuries
  • Will bruising or swelling appear with bone stress fractures?
  • How palpation can help your diagnosis
  • Why common assessment tests are often painfree in bone stress injuries.
  • When imaging is important.
  • Which imaging modalities to request when you suspect a stress fracture or BSI.

Improve your identification and assessment of stress fractures and bone stress injuries now with this podcast.

Free running injury assessment & treatment video series available now

Patients with atraumatic sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) instability may have pain during overhead activities, throwing or playing sport. How can you diagnose and successfully rehabilitate SCJ instability? Find out in this podcast with Jo Gibson (Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist), and explore:

Assessment & diagnosis

  • Which bony surfaces, ligaments and muscles provide stability at the SCJ.
  • Why do patients develop SCJ instability, and what are the risk factors?
  • What the research reveals about SCJ instability.
  • Common symptoms that help you identify SCJ instability.
  • Questions you need to ask that help with diagnosis.
  • Posterior instability - Common symptoms & anatomical structures that can be impacted.
  • How to identify clavicular epiphyseal plate injuries in young athletes.
  • When closing of the proximal clavicular epiphyseal plate occurs, and why this is important to know.

Rehab & recovery

  • Rehab exercises you can use to develop muscular support for the SCJ.
  • How and why you can add C/Sp exercises into SCJ rehab.
  • How long recovery will take your patients.
  • When patients are likely to start noticing improvements in symptoms.
  • Will SCJ instability patients continue to experience instability and pain after rehab?
  • Is this condition self-limiting?
  • How can involvement of the SCJ disc be identified?
  • What imaging can be helpful?
  • When should you request SCJ imaging?
  • When is SCJ surgery indicated?

Jo also answered these questions from FB Live listeners:

  • Does hypermobility change with age?
  • Can asymptomatic SCJ instability occur in weightlifters that do not have hypermobility, and do we need to treat it?
  • Which SCJ patients benefit from injections?
  • When should SCJ injections be avoided?
  • What autoimmune inflammatory conditions may result in SCJ swelling?

Podcast handout

The handout for this podcast consists of articles referenced in the podcast. There is no additional transcript or handout available.

Free webinar “5 common mistakes therapists make with shoulder pain, and what to do about them” with Jo Gibson

Register now for the free webinar "5 common mistakes therapists make with shoulder pain, and what to do about them" with Jo Gibson (Upper Limb Specialist Physio)

Frozen and stiff shoulder assessment & treatment with Jo Gibson

Improve your assessment and treatment of frozen and stiff shoulders now with Jo Gibson’s online course at

Shoulder: Steps to Success online course with Jo Gibson

Improve your assessment and treatment of shoulder pain with the Shoulder: Steps to Success online course with Jo Gibson, now available for enrolment at

Articles associated with this episode: